About Matritto

About Matritto 1

Matritto is a social business solving problems around pregnancy, parenting and motherhood. "Matritto" is a Bengali word, which refers to motherhood in English language.

Our primary aim is to become the primary source of resources relating to pregnancy, parenting and motherhood for 300 million Bengali speaking people. As part of this, we are creating content that give answer to many questions that parents face all the time.

We also undertake programs to disseminate correct information and dispel misinformation relating to our work area. Our flagship dissemination program is "Matritto Prenatal class", a child birth education program of 02 months that intensively teaches pregnant women about different aspect of pregnancy and post-pregnancy.

Apart from Prenatal Course, we also offer the following services:

  • Offline Prenatal crash course
  • Mental Health Counseling for females and couples
  • Birth Doula Service (Virtual and Physical doula)
  • Solid food starting course
  • Nutrition course for females before pregnancy

We regularly host different online and offline events to raise awareness about natural birth, female health, reproductive health, parenting in general.

  • Birth Story Night (sharing birth story every month)
  • Webinars (awareness building, advocacy etc.)

To fund all our activities, we depend on, online course sale, sponsorship, advertisement, endorsement and many other forms of money-generating activities. One thing we want to assure is that maximizing income or profit will never be our main goal.

We are active on different social media, including Facebook, (Page + Group), Telegram and WhatsApp. We send an weekly newsletter that is read by thousand of Bengali speaking parents.

You can also reach us at info[at]matritto.com or use the contact form.

The Team

About Matritto 2

Ishrat Jahan

Founder and coordinator

About Matritto 3

Afifa Raihana

Co-founder & Specialist

About Matritto 4

Nezam Uddin

Co-founder (Technology)